Clearly picture your 85th birthday to help you design your life

On New Year’s Day, some people write resolutions. Some people create dream boards. Some will even go as far as writing their eulogy. However, that seems depressing and might I add insignificant since you’re not in the vision.

Draw your life today

Set a timer for 15 min – max. Get out an 11×17 size paper. Draw a picture of your life today. It can be a picture of you. A picture of your family. Your work. Your pets. Your hobbies. It can be a big splattering of abstract paint. Whatever you think represents you today, draw it.

Then share what’s in your picture. The other person will learn more about the real you in that sharing. Who or what was in your picture? How big or small were you? Did you just use black or were there colors?

Draw your life in the future

Now get another piece of same sized paper. Set a timer for 30 min this time. Then draw a picture of your life in the future. Could be 1, 5, 10 or 20 years out. Alternatively, write a speech from someone very close to you that is read to the audience on your 85th birthday.

I’ve done the picture each year until recently. I decided to write the speech last time and draw my picture to go with it. That clearly defined it for me.

You’ll notice variations over time

One thing I’ve noticed is that my present pictures show some achievements. And my future pictures are more about things that matter to my heart.

Post it where you’ll always see it

To help this future picture come to life, post it where you’ll see it at least once a day. Some do their garage as they come and go. I personally do the wall in my home office that I work out of the majority of the time. Seeing your design will anchor your future you’s decisions.

My 2017 Present vs. Future Picture Examples

2017 Present – I was more focused on the recognition and promotions I was getting that year. Success = achievements then. Although happy to see I had courage to speak up and tell the truth.
2017 Future – My vision of success was lacking achievements. Yeah! I had family in the center, my health to the left and community to the right represented starting a new online learning academy.

My 2018 Present vs. Future Picture Examples

2018 Present – Achievement award is slipping out of view. Family was the focus of 2018. I learned how to shift my perspective from ‘me’ to ‘we.’
2108 Future – Here I decided to write an 85th birthday card written from my husband’s perspective (below). He’s toasting me and I’m surrounded by people and love.
Dear Suzan,

I love how much you fiercely love me unconditionally and our kids, understand us and have helped each of us accomplish our dreams. We remember specific times we have shared together. Times we laughed. Times we cried. Times we spent discussing things that are important to us. And times we just held one another and were present in the moment.

You have taught our children to be self-aware and have entrepreneurial skills to carry them through life. And they’re not blessing their strengths to our future generation. You have left a loving legacy.

I’m inspired at how much of a relationship you aspire to have with God and to have faith in things unseen.

You’re courageous, confident, optimistic, transparent, have a wicked sense of humor and above all loving.

You’re creative and giving of your wisdom. You have changed and touched countless lives through your Mastering the Art of Working and Living retreats as you learned from your masters. Your passion for your gift has empowered so many people to be empowered with confidence, trust, purpose and above all, love.

Those people have expanded our tribe. I’m grateful to build this family of love with you.

Please raise your glass with me to bless my wife Suzan with our love. I look forward to more life & life with you.

I love you fiercely back, Julio

Question: What do you think? Are you up to drawing a present and future picture? You can leave a comment below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.